What is peace? Is it just being calm or quiet? And is that calmness on the exterior or on the inside?
Is there anything as too much peace? Never ever.
Nobody ever felt no need for peace. To be able to just breathe peacefully, to be able to sit and voice out problems and opinions calmly, to be the raw version of yourself - all needs peace.
As Sadhguru believes, peace cannot be enforced from outside. It is a consequence of how we are within ourselves. And truly said; for, peace is the most fundamental requirement. It is the core of existence.
Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of these things and still be calm in the heart. Even then, can we normalise sitting quiet, but having a turmoil of emotions raging inside us? And at the same time, can we homogenise being at peace internally and yet be finger fidgety on the outside?
Finding peace amidst chaos is saintly. But am no saint. And if i am not mistaken, not many people are. So as long as we remain humans, we need to create that ambience for peace to prevail around us. And as long as we find success in doing that, we shall continue to be at serenity with our existence.
What we see around us, is what defines us, and that is what makes us what we are.
I have always found my peace at home, with and around my family.
To think and yet not judge;
To be vocal and yet not pressurise or be suppressive;
To put a point forward and yet not be stubborn;
To ask and yet not beg;
To respect and yet not surrender;
All this has enabled me to stay in harmony with my sense of being.
Most importantly, this is what i come home to, every single day.
My strengths and constants remain my cornerstones - for the simplest reason that they let me be in peace, with myself and my flaws.
To be at peace with one's flaws is not refusal to learn to rectify those imperfections, but to be able to accept those blemishes positively till we figure out a way to correct those.
Why can’t we create an air of tranquility around us? A state where all have the freedom to be themselves, without being judged.
Can we all pledge to create a positive and amiable vibe around us? Can we help put people at ease and let them just be?
Because peace, is liberty in tranquility.
What if somebody still continues to challenge our vow of staying serene? Thank them for their teachings! Because, we are still learning, to not let the behaviour of others destroy our inner peace.
Can we learn to not give others a piece of our mind and make them lose their peace of mind? And simultaneously, make sure the same does not affect us.
Today, I thank and dedicate my peace to all those who help me stay sane and calm every single day - Thank you for your conscious, humane efforts!
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