The 4 AM Ritual
As I am writing this, it's 4 AM - my favourite part of the day!
I am a very early riser, for I don't want to miss out on the beautiful early morning light that wakes up the world with its warm tender love!
I love the feeling when every morning, while I stand in my balcony bathing in the warm tender sun and enjoying the cool morning breeze, I hear the birds coming to life!
Every morning, the day comes with a new love - full of bloom and freshness!
I believe, the secret of your future is in your daily routine! They say, the early bird catches the worm.
Only when 'you' wake up, would you wake up your dreams!
Wake up early, and tackle the day, before the day tackles you!
I became an early riser and an early doer, when I realised that the time just before dawn contains the most energy of all the hours of the day!
I crave that dreamy creative energy I can only get while the rest of the world is half asleep!
Trust me, when I've lost an hour in the morning, I've hunted peace and tranquil all day.
Morning is an important part of the day because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have!
- Every morning, while I have a chance to sleep in and dream, I choose to wake up and chase my dreams!
- Every morning, while I have a chance to sleep an extra hour, I choose to get done my morning workout!
- Every morning, while I have a chance to snuggle into my favourite blanket, I choose to get up and work on my goals!
I aim at adding an extra decade to my life (in terms of productivity) and tons of accolades to my basket, by waking up at four in the morning for the next forty years!
Are 'you' IN for the same?
Most of the successful people we look upto, are early risers!
Let’s 'be' one of those!
Work hard.
Stay positive.
And get up early. It's the best part of the day!
Lets 'sunkiss' our lives, and not just the pictures!