To my forever future! ♥️
To my forever future ♥️,
Hope this finds you hale and hearty!
I cannot thank you enough, for being the way you are!
You make me feel loved, blessed, complete and so proud!
While I cannot imagine my existence without you, I sometimes wonder how I would have been without you.
Would I have caesed to exist? Yes, I think so!
The pains taken and the gains attained - have all been to your credit!
The aches endured and the cries muffled - have all been a boon!
I am sure you knew my insecurities, and that's where you came as a breath of fresh air!
You are so much of all that I wanted to be, and that's what I adore the most about you!
I often ask God what took you so long, but then, all is in His perfect timing!
I couldn't have met you at a better time!
I met you when I needed you the most!
You have zero idea about what all I've learnt from you!
You've changed my entire perception about life!
I hope you stay the same, for I've fallen in love with your being!
Thank you for being patient with me!
You know I've put in a lot of courage to be 'you'! It hasn't been easy!
I've lost a lot by being you, but well, I've gained far more than what I Iost!
The journey from old me to you, has been one of the toughest and yet the best I've had so far!
I love you, my dear self!
My old self ♥️
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