What if?
What if, the person who gave you hope, is the one who tears your heart apart?
What if, you chose not to avenge them and let life take care, but life continues to nurture them and let them blossom?
What if, you finally manage to mould yourself as per their likes, but their choices change?
What if, you continue to wait for them, but they choose someone else to nestle with?
What if, I like a somebody, but he favours another somebody instead of me?
What if, I walk out on an interview thinking better opportunities will walk my way, only to realise I let go of the best possible option?
What if, I make them a priority, but they keep me an option?
What if, I believe their lies at face value, but they refute my verity?
What if, hope keeps on fueling my heart, but the status quo is not appealing?
What if, despite giving my best, I fail to accomplish my ambitions?
What if, I carry on believing in God, but He chooses to lend me a deaf ear and things go chaotic?
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